I had a chance today to ride The 6'6" X 30" Impossible.
Quad Rounded Pin Tail.
What a concept.
Looks like a Sasquatch Shoe.
Blunt nose with full rails up front, tapering back.
I'm at 185 pounds today with shoulder to head high waves.
You have got to be right in the spot to catch the wave.
No gliding in for me, you must place yourself in position
right where the wave pitches.
With the Quad set up it is real fishy and requires some
finesse to work it down the line.
I think there will be some tweeking to this design
that will make it really work!
Wish I had it longer so I could experiment with
fins to get more drive out of it.
Overall I was quite surprised with it's performance
and stability.
Rock On!